Presto! PageManager V1.2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Presto! PageManager version 1.2 for the Windows(TM) environment. This document contains last-minute product information and updates to PageManager user documentation, including: 1. About Installation 2. Customizing Applications 3. Sending Faxes 4. Using Electronic Mail 5. About Lotus Notes Enabling Module --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. About Installation - PLEASE REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM AFTER THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED! When you reboot the system, the following changes will occur: - The directory where PageManager is installed will be added to the PATH statement in AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For example, if your original PATH statement is: PATH=C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS It will be changed to: PATH=C:\PAGEMGR;C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS Before modifying the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, the installer will backup this file as AUTOEXEC.OLD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Customizing Applications - When adding an application to the application bar, you need to specify the data format of this application. Then PageManager will use the specified format to send data to the application. In order for PageManager to send data to application properly, make sure you choose the right data format. - Notes: Dragging and dropping document(s) into applications. . PageManager can send multiple pages or documents to E-Mail, FAX, Print and Lotus Notes enabling modules. . For user setup image applications, PageManager transfers one page ata time. . For text applications, such as Word, WordPerfect, AmiPro,..., etc, PageManager automatically recognizes the page(s) and transfers the results to applications. . Text documents must be black and white. PageManager will not process grayscale documents. - The following is a compatibility list of applications that tested by Newsoft: Application Name Drag and Drop Copy/Paste ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Write Text Text/Image Microsoft Word 2.0/6.0 Text Text/Image WordPerfect 6.0 Text Text/Image Lotus Ami Pro 3.0 N/A Text/Image Excel 5.0 Text Text/Image Lotus 1.2.3 R5 N/A Text/Image PowerPoint 4.0 Text Text/Image Freelance 2.1 N/A Text/Image PhotoShop 2.5.1/3.0 Image Image PhotoStyler 2.0 Image Image Picture Publisher 4.0 Image Image ProImage Plus 2.0 Image Image ImagePals 2.0 Image Image OmniPage 5.0 Image(B/W) N/A WordScan Plus 2.0/3.0 Image(B/W) N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Sending Faxes If you have a fax software such as WinFax, you can select this fax software as the default fax software. PageManager will execute your fax software after you drag-and-drop documents to the Fax button. - Using fax applications(as printer driver) You can change the default fax setting using the Fax Setup dialog box. a) From the file menu, choose Fax Setup. The Fax Setup dialog box appears. b) You will see currently installed fax applications in the Installed Fax listbox. Set your preferred fax application as the default fax setting by double-clicking on it or selecting it and then clicking the Set As Default button. c) Click on the Setup button to set the faxing options. d) If you cannot find your fax application in the Installed Fax listbox, click on the More button. You will be able to see all installed printers and fax applications in the Installed Fax and List of Fax and Printers listboxes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Using Electronic Mail - With PageManager, you can use the most popular e-mail applications, cc:Mail and Microsoft Mail. - After you drag-and drop documents to the E-Mail button, PageManager will ask you to specify the preferred format for transferring. There are three file formats: . PageManager file(*.PFC) - With the PageManager proprietary format, you can send documents with smaller file sizes. Also, with this format, all annotations and highlight areas will be included as part of the file. The receiver can view files using the PageManager Viewer. Documents displayed in Viewer appear similar to those displayed in PageManager. . Uncompressed TIFF(*.TIF) - If the receiver does not have PageManager Viewer, you can send documents with this format. PageManager will write annotation and highlight areas to the transferred image. Uncompressed TIFF images will normally require a lot of disk storage space. For example, a 300-dpi A4-size B/W document will require 1 MByte of disk space to store. A grayscale document of equivalent size will require 8 MBytes of storage space. . Text(*.TXT) - If a recognized document exists, you can send the recognized result as a text file. - When you receive an e-mail message with attached PageManager files, you can display the attached files in the following manner: . With Lotus cc:Mail, you can Shift-double-click the attachment to automatically run the PageManager Viewer and display the attachment. Or choose the attachment, then select Run Item from the Message Menu. or . Save the attached files using the e-mail Save or Save As command, then open the attachment in PageManager Viewer to display it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. About Lotus Notes Enabling Module In version 1.1 or later, PageManager provides the Lotus Notes enabling module. You can send documents to Lotus Notes by the drag-and-drop operation. PageManager provides two formats for transferring documents to Lotus Notes, one is image files(uncompressed TIFF) and the other is text file. When you launch the Notes enabling module, PageManager will ask you to send image or text files to Notes. Following are the methods to install this module: - Installing PageManager after Lotus Notes: When you install PageManager, the install program will ask you "Do you want to install Lotus Notes enabling module?". Press the "Yes" button. Then type in the path where Lotus Notes is installed. The install program will add the Notes enabling module to PageManager's application bar. - Installing Lotus Notes after PageManager: If Lotus Notes is installed after PageManager and you want to add Notes enabling module to PageManager, please install PageManager again or do the following: . For the UMXADDIN.INI file in windows directory: In the [UMXADDIN] section, modify the NotesExeDir entry to indicate the directory where Lotus Notes is installed. For example, suppose Lotus Notes is installed at H:\, then change the entry to: [UMXADDIN] NotesExeDir=H:\ . Add the following statement to the (Notes) section in the NOTES.INI file in Windows directory: AddInMenus=c:\pagemgr\umxaddin.dll . In PageManager, choose Preferences from the File menu. The Settings dialog box appears. In the applications setting, add UMX2NTS.EXE to the application bar. (C) 1994-1996 NewSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------